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Faster Payments Resources

Welcome to the Faster Payments Knowledge Center – a comprehensive suite of resources, tools, news, and research to further faster payments learning. The Knowledge Center is a one-stop repository of all things faster payments designed for anyone seeking more information as they consider implementation.

Directory Models in the U.S.
Feb 15, 2024
The FPC Directory Models Work Group (DMWG) strives to identify directory capabilities that promote adoption of faster payments. In this article, the DMWG explores ways to leverage directory capabilities to facilitate the adoption of faster payments i...
International Best Practices in Directory Models Infographic
Nov 22, 2022
This infographic provides a summary of the recent white paper, International Best Practices in Directory Models, developed by the FPC Directory Models Work Group....
International Best Practices in Directory White Paper
Oct 13, 2022
The FPC Directory Models Work Group (DMWG) developed this white paper, which presents research on six directory overlays to faster payments systems across the globe including Bizum, Interac, M-Pesa, Pix, Swish, and Unified Payments Interface (UPI). ...
Making the Case for an Interoperable Directory to Facilitate Faster Payments
Jan 25, 2022
This infographic, developed by the FPC Directory Models Work Group, takes its two recent white papers on directory models for faster payments and reduces both into easily digestible content for better industry understanding....
Beneficial Characteristics Desirable in a Directory Service
May 24, 2021
Developed by the FPC Directory Models Work Group, this white paper offers a foundation for conversation about the specific characteristics required in a directory that seeks to maximize the economic benefits of faster payments for payors, payees, and...
The Economic Benefits of an Independent, Interoperable Directory for Faster Payments
Mar 25, 2021
Developed by the FPC Directory Models Work Group, this white paper looks at several areas by which a directory may establish economic benefits, both incremental revenue and cost savings, and attempts to quantify those benefits....